Tuesday, October 29, 2013

art quotes

Some new quotes I'm considering hanging up in my art room...

A hit with my students

I showed this video last week to my Draw/Paint classes and they were mesmerized.  I still did a short live demo as well, but this video was a time effective way of showing them how a piece builds from start to finish.

This poor neglected blog...

Well it's been years since I last posted, but my old blog is still here.  Looking through the last few entries has been interesting; my life has changed immensely since I started this hodgepodge blog.  Parenting, working full time, and being a graduate student doesn't leave time for making handmade gifts and doing big home repair/design projects, unfortunately.

The blogger interface seems much more user friendly than I remember, but I don't think I'll be taking up blogging again any time soon.  For now Pinterest is my site of choice for organizing my projects (both personal and work/school) in a quick and visual way.