Tuesday, May 20, 2008

oh domino

At the moment I'm between teaching "regular" school and "night" school; I should be making the best of this time at school and working on grading, but I've been working all day and need a quick break. Here are a few more inspiring images for my future dream home. The images above are mostly from Domino magazine--I think this will be my next subscription, it's lovely.

Below you'll find some kitchen floor is amazing; it's actually made from recycled wine corks. If Josh and I end up with one of the fun, but carpet-tastic ranch style homes we've been looking at we'll have a lot of carpet to rip up and replace with either bamboo, some sort of laminate, or cork. Here are a few places you can shop for environmentally friendly flooring: Eco Friendly Flooring (in WI) and Corkstore.com

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