Thursday, November 15, 2007

bad blogger

I could blame it on the time change, work stress, distractions around the house (cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping), or the Sex in the City DVD Josh bought me for my birthday(yes, out of character for me, but so funny I can't help but love it), but honestly the last two weeks have been pretty unproductive art and craft wise for no real reason whatsoever. I resolve to get back on the ball starting Saturday and try to finish up the two paintings that are nearly complete and start working on a few Christmas craft presents. So far the gifts I'm planning to make include two sock creatures and a few sets of glass marble magnets. My friend K made me a set last year and they are fun looking and personal since you can pick and choose images to use that fit the person. I also have lesson planning to do over the next week, so I'll be happy to get one or two things complete.

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