Sunday, December 2, 2007

Creature from the green sweater

Last weekend I put the finishing touches on this little guy. He's made of part of an arm of one of J's sweaters and two striped socks. This is my first attempt at creating a plush toy completely without a pattern, so while it's far from perfect I'm still pretty happy with it's quirky handmade quality. My favorite part is the arm that wraps around the entire body in one long striped band and ends in front with two pink hands. B the cat was not too sure about as of yet unnamed creature, but she didn't attack it, so all in all a pretty good response.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I've finished my latest painting and tomorrow I'll hang it in the gallery at my school for our staff holiday show. It may be displayed next to sentimental paintings of snow scenes (gag, yes I was told work like this was done by now retired staff) and look out of place, but I couldn't bring myself to make something commercial or festive and the other teachers in my department don't seem like the type to do that either. Since this is my first staff show I don't really know what to expect; perhaps I'll blog about that later. From what I was told the art doesn't need to be holiday themed, but in the past staff and community members have bought work from this show as holiday presents.
This weekend I started sewing a new creature too out of a moth bitten sweater and a sock --he's a little rough around the edges at the moment, but I think he should turn out well.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

bad blogger

I could blame it on the time change, work stress, distractions around the house (cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping), or the Sex in the City DVD Josh bought me for my birthday(yes, out of character for me, but so funny I can't help but love it), but honestly the last two weeks have been pretty unproductive art and craft wise for no real reason whatsoever. I resolve to get back on the ball starting Saturday and try to finish up the two paintings that are nearly complete and start working on a few Christmas craft presents. So far the gifts I'm planning to make include two sock creatures and a few sets of glass marble magnets. My friend K made me a set last year and they are fun looking and personal since you can pick and choose images to use that fit the person. I also have lesson planning to do over the next week, so I'll be happy to get one or two things complete.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


fluttering leaves square2
Originally uploaded by jab artist
Fall is here, leaves changing, cooler days, pumpkins and squash a plenty, light weight coats, and warm cups of tea sipped while blogging away...

Paintings are coming along; I'll post up more pictures soon.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a start

Work in Process (untitled thus far), acrylic wash on canvas (stretched over reclaimed stretcher bars found in alley near my old Chicago apt.)

I decided to start another painting last night; hopefully it'll become the first of a series of slightly distorted figures in awkward poses. I've been playing with the idea for while in my sketchbook, but decided to give it a go on a larger scale. A few of the poses I have in mind come from the posture and poses of students at my school. One student's odd tendency to arch his neck (at an impossible and painful looking angle) towards the hall clock while waiting for his lonely lunch hour to end struck me as an interesting (if sad) scene to paint; perhaps I'll work on that idea next. I guess hall duty does have some perks, people watching.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Snapshots of some of my work

My goal this school year is to make more of my own artwork. It's been a challenge--grading and planning seems to swallow up what would otherwise be free time. The work in the slide show was all made over the last year with the exception of the blue portrait (leaning on hand), which is one my favorite pieces that I made in college. Ahh college...sometimes I really miss being the student.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Looking for the light

Since I'm a teacher the best hours of the day are spent inside at work and when I get home to my art studio the sunlight is already fading away. My studio has great natural light, but just one dinky ceiling fixture, so painting in the evening is not really an option since the colors always turn out funky. I've been looking into buying a light fixture that will simulate day light, so I can work whenever the mood strikes. If anyone has any advice...drop me a comment. This is a picture of the "Ott-Lite TrueColor Easel Light" from Blick.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Interior Body

Untitled, 18"x24", acrylic and sewing on canvas

This piece is part of a series I've been working on for awhile that's inspired by cells and other interior body parts. Human anatomy books have always had a bizarre attraction/repulsion for me. I seek out the beautiful and unusual and quickly flip past the images of rashes and horrible wounds. In the process I've found many life threatening illnesses can seem delicate and even pretty under a microscope.