Wednesday, February 27, 2008

crafting ADHD

I haven't gotten as much done on my scarf as I'd like due to school work, but I'll get back on track soon. In the mean time look what I stumbled across when checking my favorite craft blogs! It's a super cute purse that the author claims is a "1 hour bag" to make. If that's true it sounds like a perfect project for me right now; I'm finding it hard to focus on one project at a time, instead I'm always thinking ahead to other things I want to try....

Friday, February 22, 2008

swatting the swatch

Well I finished my first knitting warm up project, nicknamed "baby's first swatch" in Stitch'n Bitch. It's not perfect--a few little holes and general uneveness, but overall not bad. I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday to buy yarn for the next project a bulky "Go Go Garter Stitch Scarf". I've started the first section and then torn it out a few times already; somehow I keep ending up with extra stitches along the way. Any advice?

As you can see my cat is jealous of anything that takes over her precious lap space: knitting, the laptop, a book, etc. :)

Picture of yarn and size 17 needles for my next project.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


As I mentioned earlier I've been interested in learning to knit (or crochet, I'm not picky) for quite awhile. Over a year ago I practiced my crochet skills and started to get reasonably good at beginner level projects and managed to make a bookmark, MP3 player cozy for J, a scarf (though to be honest it turned out much smaller and curlier than I imagined--I intended to give it away to a small child...), and a small felted bowl (very cool). I made all of these things during the cold of winter, but once the spring weather hit I stopped. Hot and muggy midwest summer weather just didn't inspire me to make the blanket that was next on my to-do list.

Well thanks to Katie I'm trying to get back on track, this time I'm trying to learn to knit. Today I figured out how to double cast-on and do a simple knit stitch (English style). Between "Stich and Bitch" and You Tube I managed to get a fairly good start.

In the meantime here is one thing I'm dreaming of making:

Monday, February 11, 2008

elephants never forget

This is plush elephant I created for my long distance bud, Katie. I started creating the pattern around Christmas time (with some advice from my mom) and even began to sew the pieces together at that time, but then the new semester started at my school and...well, I got very distracted. It's finally done and has arrived via USPS at it's new home in Oregon.

In case you're interested I used a combination of machine stitching and hand sewing, different colors of felt, 2 mismatched buttons for eyes, and polyfill to create my elephant. My next project is a creature for my cousin Kira. The idea is to make something to fit a mini Nebraska Corn Huskers helmet she loves and already owns. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

snow day take 2

Another week, another snow day. Today I was surprised to wake up to news of our second snow day in 2 weeks. At 5:20 am it didn't look bad, in fact I went online to double check that school really was called off before jumping right back into bed. A few hours later when I woke up for the second time and looked out the window it became clear why school was canceled, it was snowing like crazy and the wind was blowing extremely hard. I think another 4-5 inches fell today, but at this point it's hard to tell.

I wish I could say I had a really productive day, but I didn't get as much accoplished as I could have. I did a little cleaning, a little graphic design work, thought about school planning off and on, checked all my favorite blogs and websites, sat looking out at the snow falling outside the window with my cat, walked around in the snow outside for a bit and took pictures, did 3o mins of my yoga tape, and took a nap. It sounds decent when you look at in list form, but truly I could have done some personal art or craft today and just didn't, bad I know. Well there's always next week...another snow day, perhaps? :)

Friday, February 1, 2008

things I love: purses, cute babies, and snow days (not in any specific order)

Even before I got my sewing machine I dreamed of making purses. Once I even hand sewed a purse out of scraps of fabric and it had a definite hippie charm to it, but my hand stitching didn't hold up and it fell apart in record time. My latest mini-tote/purse is much more successful, but I'm still learning. I used some beautiful IKEA fabric and modified a Lotta Jansdotter pattern
to construct it. I'm happy with how it looks, but next time I'll create a lining (with pockets) and use a magnetic clasp (instead of the old school one I used) or maybe a zipper.

I've been less crafty and arty since the holidays, so I need to get back on track. I've been doing some graphic design work lately and that has been a fun challenge, so that's been taking over my freetime lately. Maybe I'll post up a few pictures of my finished designs next week.

This morning I got a nice surprise--school was canceled due to overnight snow showers (8"ish I think-the paper says a foot). Lucky me didn't have to shovel off the car (yet) and slip and slide to work, instead I went right back to sleep. :) Later I got up, watched a little online tv and worked on graphic design work for a few hours. This adorable picture from the paper makes me smile. Snow is so pretty when you don't have to go out it too much.

Another beyond cute picture showed up in my email box yesterday. My dad sent me a picture of one my far flung and far removed South African cousins today, Ciara. She is so so CUTE and check out the stylish bathroom!