Friday, February 1, 2008

things I love: purses, cute babies, and snow days (not in any specific order)

Even before I got my sewing machine I dreamed of making purses. Once I even hand sewed a purse out of scraps of fabric and it had a definite hippie charm to it, but my hand stitching didn't hold up and it fell apart in record time. My latest mini-tote/purse is much more successful, but I'm still learning. I used some beautiful IKEA fabric and modified a Lotta Jansdotter pattern
to construct it. I'm happy with how it looks, but next time I'll create a lining (with pockets) and use a magnetic clasp (instead of the old school one I used) or maybe a zipper.

I've been less crafty and arty since the holidays, so I need to get back on track. I've been doing some graphic design work lately and that has been a fun challenge, so that's been taking over my freetime lately. Maybe I'll post up a few pictures of my finished designs next week.

This morning I got a nice surprise--school was canceled due to overnight snow showers (8"ish I think-the paper says a foot). Lucky me didn't have to shovel off the car (yet) and slip and slide to work, instead I went right back to sleep. :) Later I got up, watched a little online tv and worked on graphic design work for a few hours. This adorable picture from the paper makes me smile. Snow is so pretty when you don't have to go out it too much.

Another beyond cute picture showed up in my email box yesterday. My dad sent me a picture of one my far flung and far removed South African cousins today, Ciara. She is so so CUTE and check out the stylish bathroom!

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