Monday, June 16, 2008

craig's list chic

Things are looking good on the house front, so I've officially started combing craig's list postings and craning my neck out the car window to look for garage sale treasures. Our home isn't much bigger than our apartment, so luckily we'll really only need a few pieces of furniture. Today I hit Craig's list gold, when I stumbled across these babies...Eames-style metal and orange plastic chairs. I'm in love and at $20 for the whole set I'm feeling like a very lucky girl! The lister does say they're scratched and need of a little TLC, but I'm feeling confident I can fix them up pretty easily. The only other things I would love to get, but don't necessarily need, are a danish modern style sideboard (to use as an entertainment center), another work desk for the art room/office, and a vanity table (I always liked the idea of this, though I'm not great with makeup). Otherwise I'll be saving my pennies for plants and paint.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I really like the desk with mirror combo for a vanity. I wanted to do that in our last apt. but our room was too small! :) Have fun decorating your new place!