Monday, March 24, 2008

errands and daydreams

Today I spent over an hour wandering around Jo-Ann Fabrics (a big suburban version) and was overwhelmed by the rows and rows and rows of fabric. I thought I'd hit the mother load, only to realize after looking through them that there were only a few bolts of fabric I even remotely liked. The selection was better than Hobby Lobby, my normal stand by, but overall the prints seemed a little dated and stuffy (lots of florals and little kitty cats, etc.). In the end I bought 2 yards of fabric, a few remnants, and some yarn to add to my crafting stash. Next I'm planning to check out Prints Charming II, a small independent fabric store.

Here are a few inspiring images (mostly from Design Sponge). I'm feeling the greens, grays, yellows, and whites lately...seems soothing and springlike.

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